Maxine (@uwx) banner for me

I’m a backend C# and Java developer and frontend JavaScript / TypeScript + Solid, Svelte, Vue, and Angular.

I also like reverse engineering, network security and optimizing compilers, and I also speak Python, Lua, Ruby, Vala, and a little Rust.

Here are some of my things:

Note: Some of these projects (especially further down) are very old! They do not represent my modern coding styles and habits.

@paste: A hastebin clone that saves pastes to an AT Protocol repository.

bluemark: A userscript that lets you bookmark posts on the official Bluesky app, saving them to a Discord channel, and/or to your AT Protocol repository in encrypted form.

AtFileFtp: FTP server for interacting with ATFile, based on FubarDev.FtpServer.

Bluesky RSS Feed Bot: Posts an RSS feed to Bluesky. Auto-updates via GitHub actions. Used for the account.

Atproto Obsidian Sync: An experimental plugin to sync Obsidian vaults in encrypted form to an AT Protocol repository.

@web (Vue / Solid): A static site hoster using MDX and Vue / Solid. Created to learn Vue 3 and Solid.

Bluesky Anime Tag Labeler: An AI image labeler for Bluesky that labels images with Danbooru-styled tags. Made using TypeScript, Node.js and Hono.

Wad Archive Browser: A static mirror of the then-shutdown Wad Archive site.

steam-news: An auto-generated RSS feed with news for the games in my Steam library, updated daily by GitHub Actions.

kitty-agent: A tiny helper library based on @atcute/client for working with the AT Protocol. Also on npm.

noto-unicode-ranges: Generates a CSS file with @font-faces for all Noto fonts + Nerd Font Symbols Only, so you can have Noto with all supported languages in your webpage.

fluentui-twemoji-3d: Fluent Emoji for Twemoji, an updated fork of ehne/fluentui-twemoji-3d.

spritesheetifier: Break apart a video or GIF into a spritesheet, in the browser.

8mbify: Compress video to 8MB, 25MB, 50MB or 100MB, in the browser, using WebCodecs.

tu-dj: A few scripts that can be used to DJ using the Media Player in Tower Unite. Made for a friend. No support!

fsxt: Extensions for the Node.js fs module.

snippets.ts: A few common TypeScript snippets I tend to reuse a lot.

OpenNFMM: A mod/game engine based on the Rad 3D Engine of Need for Madness Multiplayer.

MadSharp: OpenNFMM ported to C# using Direct2D.

declarative-zeronet-protocol-crx: A Chrome extension for browsing ZeroNet links from sources other than No longer functional due to Manifest v3.

dom-tools: A fairly optimized JavaScript DOM manipulation library. Inspired by jQuery.

logmaster: A simplistic log library for Java.

scriptycord: A now-outdated Discord client mod supporting BetterDiscord plugins.

GM_fetch.ts: An implementation of the HTML5 fetch() API which leverages GM_xmlhttpRequest, ported to TypeScript. On npm as @uwx/gm-fetch

HSNXT.DSharpPlus: A series of (now-outdated) extension libraries for DSharpPlus.

Here are some Spigot plugins I’ve made:

Warp Pads: Remake of the Warp Pads Minecraft data pack as a Spigot plugin.

Wood Drop Fix: Makes log blocks drop from wood blocks.

Here are some Playnite plugins I’ve made:

PlayniteCustomSteamCovers: Adds support for importing custom Steam grid cover art to Playnite.

PlayniteMultiMCLibrary: Import MultiMC, PolyMC, Prism (Minecraft launcher) instances into Playnite.

PlayniteSteamChat: Import MultiMC instances into Playnite

PlayniteSteamLikeLastActivity: Makes Playnite’s Last Played game property behave like the Steam library’s Recent section. Deprecated since this functionality was added to Playnite.

PlayniteDolphinMetadata: Adds support for loading GameTDB metadata for Nintendo Wii and Nintendo GameCube games to Playnite.

Here are some things I’ve worked on in the past:

DSharpPlus: Helped ship and maintain version 4 of the library. Provided support for a few years after leaving my maintainer role, and helped new maintainers with onboarding.

infinicraft: Helped add many new features and a few performance improvements during early development.

Silk.NET: Helped bikeshed the new Silk.Maths implementation.

Remora.Discord: Contributed a variety of fixes and improvements.

Folks I Like

banner for wamwoowambanner for aspynbanner for erisbanner for notnitebanner for wacup beyley banner for emma invoxiplaygamesbanner for david buchananbanner for marshbanner for alulabanner for bannmannutt

Things I Endorse

transgender and pansexual flag bannersa banner that reads 'piracy now (free)'a banner that reads 'trans your gender'a banner that reads 'ublock origin now'banner for xmppbanner for minecraftbanner for visual studio codea banner that reads 'made with'a banner that reads 'I use jetbrains'a qbittorrent banner that reads 'don't forget to seed'a banner that reads 'made with blender'a banner that reads 'get quake now'a banner that reads 'play with steam'a banner containing the bad apple PV

Made with ❤️ with Astro